Joker (White Knight)
Posted on July 15, 2020

As I’ve said elsewhere, McFarlane’s White Knight Joker figure opened up some great customizing possibilities. It also means extra Joker and Napier heads for everybody! Crafting Joker’s appearance from the first chapter of “Batman: White Knight” seemed like an obvious choice.

What might not be an obvious choice is the base figure I chose for this project: the old Mattel Two-Face. The suited body Mattel made early on in their run was used for Two-Face, Riddler, and Clark Kent. (The sculpt was too skinny for two of those three.) For this Joker, I needed a very thin male form. Turns out, once the jacket is removed, that suited body is just about perfect! I filled in the holes left behind by the jacket tabs, as well as some joint holes on the legs. The jacket arms had to be (violently) yanked and drilled out, and replaced with some short-sleeve arms from an old Spike (Buffy) figure. The sleeves are a bit long to be accurate, but are close enough. The suspenders are cut from clear vinyl. The shoes were cut from some boots I found in my fodder supply. The folded boot tops were sculpted with ProCreate.

Not bad for something essentially made from scraps!

Created July 2020


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