Harley Quinn (Roller Derby)
Posted on May 30, 2015

Harley-Quinn-Roller-Derby-1A little paint does wonders for a gal’s complexion!

I am definitely in the “anti-New 52” camp, and Harley’s a big reason for that. I don’t care much for the direction DC has taken the character. Or rather, I don’t much care for the many directions, as DC can’t seem to make up its mind whether she’s a villainous vixen or a Looney Tunes character. And I really don’t like the Joker-white skin and two-tone dye job. But I can see Harley participating in a roller derby. That meant this figure needed a non-dead skin tone and the proper blonde locks. She looks much better now! (Though she sort of looks resembles Drew Barrymore.)

Created May 2015



  • Jim O' says:

    You aren’t the only one to hate the New 52 (which I have recently learned is now the defunct 52. woo hoo!).
    I like your version, and, yes, she looks a lot like drew barrymore.
    Looking at this makes me picture the really harley (Timm version) on roller skates, charging with her mallet, eyes narrowed, tongue out… where’s my pencil…?

  • Not me says:

    I hope they change her outfit to something more appropriate for the character in the future. I love your version and I think it would be amazing if you added color to the bottom of her hair.

Reply to Jim O'



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