Giganta (Giant, Pink Dress)
Posted on July 2, 2013

giganta-large-pink-01Like so many other customizers, I knew as soon as I saw the 10″ Wonder Woman figure she’d make a great base for a Giganta custom. Unlike the aforementioned artisans, my Giganta custom was started, but then took over a year to finish. Seems I kept getting sidetracked!

Obviously, the first thing to go was Diana’s hair. What a chore that was! The remaining Wonder Woman details were then removed or filled in. Kneadatite was used to increase Giganta’s bust.

Giganta’s hair was shaped from Super Sculpey. The skirt, belt, shoulder clasp, earrings and boot cuffs are all Kneadatite. I also added Kneadatite to her jawline, making it a bit more square. Her bracelets are strips of vinyl, painted separate and applied after the figure was fully painted. (They hang loose, as they should.)

Overall, a fun figure that “raises the bar” on the shelf, so to speak. I will say working on a larger figure was tougher than I expected, though. I should also add that Giganta was the first figure I ever painted with an audience in attendance. She was painted at Zeus Comics and Toys in Dallas, Texas, during the big CAPE event, May 7th, 2005.

Created Spring 2005


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