Bruce is the common recipe of the Hasbro new school Bruce Wayne head on a Hasbro new school Two-Face body. I used Kneadatite to even out the neckline, and smoothed the roughness of Two-Face’s left hand.
Frankly, I usually find secret identity customs rather dull. This isn’t an exception. But I was making Babs and Tim, so I figured I’d throw this one in too.
Created Spring 2002
Hey there! I was wondering, about dull coat, is that the thing you use that makes the figures you paint look more… I don’t know how do I say this? Plastic? Like an actual toy?
Sort of. Dullcote makes everything matte or flat, so ever surface is the same luster. I then usually follow it with a light dusting of gloss. Together, the two coats create a plastic-like sheen.
Oh! Is there any specific gloss paint you recommend!?
Live and die by Testor’s Dullcote and Testor’s Gloss (or semigloss, not sure they make that anymore).