Bruce Wayne ’89
Posted on May 24, 2019

Sometimes a project comes together quickly, without any real previous planning. I had an opportunity to buy some head castings from the Casting Cave. I had heard of the Cave, but never made a purchase. When I took a look, I zeroed in on a shrunken version of the Hot Toys Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne head. Wow! What a beauty! I had to make use of it.

While I waited for the noggin to arrive, I sought out a suited body to use. I would have preferred a very 80s, low-cut, double-breasted suit, as Bruce wears in the “Let’s get nuts!” scene. But I could not find any in 6” or 7” scales. True, I could take the time to sculpt it myself. And maybe I will do so in the future. But I didn’t have time for that now. So I settled on a Ghostbusters Walter Peck. His three-piece was only 5 years earlier. I’m sure Bruce had one of these suits in his closet. The only paint I applied to the body was to the tie. I thought the yellow with a dark suit sent a certain subtle message.

All that was left was to paint the head. And Casting Cave did not disappoint! All that Hot Toys quality, shrunk down to a manageable size. Some fine casting, indeed.

Created Spring 2019


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