Black Condor
Posted on June 29, 2013

black-condor-01Black Condor is part of the Freedom Fighters, the Golden Age team I submitted as an entry to CustomCon 14. This interpretation of the team is based on Carlo Barberi’s and Larry Stucker’s art from the comic Justice League Unlimited #17.

BC’s base body is Orion. The main portion of the mantle is made from Kneadatite using the wrap and shape method. The collar is vinyl. The head is a modified Superman.

BC’s cape is an unusual shape, bearing wings of a sort. Ideally, they will drape and fold when his arms are down. The tips also connect to his wrists. All of this meant a vinyl cape would be messy to make work. Ergo, I thought I’d try sewing. The result doesn’t drape as I had hoped (not at this scale, anyway), but I think it works better than the alternative. The cape tips were tied to his wrists, and then covered with vinyl bands.

The diamond pattern on his torso was made in InDesign and applied via decoupage.

Overall, I’m pleased, even with the experimental cape.

Created Spring 2006


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