Posted on June 30, 2013


Aresia was made as part of Scott Rogers’ Hawkgirl Challenge in CustomCon 14. Multiple participants submitted figures made from Hawkgirl bases, showing what a wonderfully versatile base Hawkgirl is.

Aresia uses Hawkgirl’s body and limbs, with the gauntlets, arm band, shin guards, belt and halter top lines sculpted from Magic Sculpt. The black circle and line of her belt were printed on laser paper and cut out, then applied via decoupage. The head is from the first release Wonder Woman, with added curls. Aresia’s helmet/crown is cut from vinyl. I’m not overly pleased with the vinyl, and may replace it with a proper sculpted one some day. Such are the costs of working on a deadline!

Jump to the downloads section to grab Aresia’s belt for you own customs!

Created Spring 2006


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