Alfred Pennyworth (Wayne Manor)
Posted on June 29, 2013

alfred-pennyworth-wayne-manor-01I had been toying with the thought of Bruce Wayne, Babs and Tim as civilians, but I just wasn’t excited about the prospect. Then I thought of Alfred in an apron. Perhaps it’s a sign of my overt desire to keep the house clean, but this really brought all the above mentioned characters together for me. No comments about the state of my mind, please.

The body is made from the TRU Gordon, using many of the same techniques I used to improve upon that figure. The legs were cut and reattached at a more appropriate angle, as well as the feet. The holster, tie and donut-fed belly were dremeled down. I repositioned the right arm, but kept the left arm it was. The tie is Kneadatite. The head is obviously a TRU Alfred. The apron is cut from vinyl and spray painted. His washcloth is cut from a 100% genuine paper napkin.

I think Alfred has made an appearance like this in the show, but I’m not certain. I liked the idea enough that I didn’t take the time to hunt through all the episodes. I think he works.

Created Spring 2002



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