A little paint does wonders for a gal’s complexion!
I am definitely in the “anti-New 52” camp, and Harley’s a big reason for that. I don’t care much for the direction DC has taken the character. Or rather, I don’t much care for the many directions, as DC can’t seem to make up its mind whether she’s a villainous vixen or a Looney Tunes character. And I really don’t like the Joker-white skin and two-tone dye job. But I can see Harley participating in a roller derby. That meant this figure needed a non-dead skin tone and the proper blonde locks. She looks much better now! (Though she sort of looks resembles Drew Barrymore.)
Created May 2015
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You aren’t the only one to hate the New 52 (which I have recently learned is now the defunct 52. woo hoo!).
I like your version, and, yes, she looks a lot like drew barrymore.
Looking at this makes me picture the really harley (Timm version) on roller skates, charging with her mallet, eyes narrowed, tongue out… where’s my pencil…?
Make it happen!
I hope they change her outfit to something more appropriate for the character in the future. I love your version and I think it would be amazing if you added color to the bottom of her hair.
Thanks! Can’t promise I’ll change the hair, but it’s not something I’m opposed to.