In which Casimir pontificates on subjects far and wide. Toys, reviews, comics, that sandwich I had for lunch… If I think it’s worth your precious time, it’s here.
- Extreme SetsAbout a year ago I started seeing solicitations for 6″-7″ scale cardboard backdrops and sets from Extreme-Sets. I was dubious at first. I’d seen similar things in the past, and they always fell short. …
- A Theory AwakensUpon my second viewing of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I was struck with an epiphany regarding the origins of the film’s protagonist, Rey. I’d like to document my theory, as I have not encountere …
- A Note About DC CollectiblesBetween Inanimate Objects, this blog, and my Facebook page, I’ve been pretty tough on toy companies over the years. I tend to call things as I see them, and usually what I see isn’t up to par. I’m ple …
- Hey DC Collectibes, I Fixed Your Toys For YouI could not be more excited by DC Collectibles new line of animated style BTAS and TNBA figures! THESE are the toys I’ve wanted for over 20 years! The first wave is out now. I hope to obtain my set ve …
- Unproduced Muppets and Sesame StreetFor many action figure collectors, the former company Palisades holds a special place in our hearts. Palisades was a company that produced toys people actually wanted. They listened to fans, while sta …
- Powers the Animated SeriesI’ve enjoyed reading Powers by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming for many years. The thing that initially attracted me to it was Oeming’s early art, which was clearly influenced by Bruce Ti …
- Teen Titans Found in the WildI recall reading that Jazwares was awarded the new Teen Titans Go license, but that was months ago. I had not heard or seen anything since. Imagine my surprise when I found these in the wild today. (T …
- The Continuity of Green Lantern: The Animated SeriesMost of us accept that Green Lantern: The Animated Series is not in the same continuity as the previous “Timmverse†programs. I’m reasonably certain the producers have gone on record as saying s …
- Inanimate Objects 10th AnniversaryTen years. It’s been over ten years since Inanimate Objects launched. So much has changed in this world. And yet so much remains constant. I’ve been customizing figures and toys, in one form or an …
- Playmobil Volcano and JLURecently I posted about using some Playmobil sets as backdrops for JLU figures. The scale is a little on the small side, but for purposes of photography, they’re fun. Having explored the Secret Agent …