Ventriloquist & Scarface (BTAS)
Posted on July 4, 2013

ventriloquist-btas-02With Hasbro in its death throes regarding the Bats license, all kinds of interesting things are making their way into the world. The most recent is the fan favorite Ventriloquist and Scarface.

Scarface and Venty’s torso are excellent old school sculpts. The paint scheme’s are random though. The only truly wrong thing, however, are Venty’s legs. They’re one piece, so I was easily able to pop them off with the help of boiling water. I then sliced off some old school Joker legs and attached those with Kneadatite. Some new paint, and the result is a much more accurate old school Ventriloquist and Scarface.

Ironically, this was one opportunity that Hasbro actually should have re-used and/or retooled parts, yet they didn’t. Makes you wonder just how many wild monkeys are running around that place.

Created Summer 2002


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