Vampirella (17″)
Posted on April 11, 2020

Some time ago I had the good fortune to stumble across the work of Gordon Oberman. He’s an amazing sculptor, painter, and caster. He had produced this amazing Vampirella by Tony Cipriano, itself adapted from one of Bruce Timm’s Vampirella drawings, into this amazing piece of three-dimensional beauty! I knew I had to have her on my shelf! Gordon was kind enough to sell me a high-quality casting. (Seriously, I had to do very little work to prep her for assembly and paint.)

I am not one to use an airbrush often. When I do, it’s usually to lay down a base coat of a specific color. I am envious of the folks who can airbrush in fine shadows and muscle tone. I gave it a shot with my meager skills, but the result was too subtle. So I relied on my old-fashioned brushes and carried on. There are some gradient tones in her skin, some shadows in her outfit, and some subtle blues in her hair.

At 17″ in height, Vampirella might be the largest Timm-style piece I own.

Thank you Gordon!

Painted April 2020



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