Valkyrie (Bombshell)
Posted on June 5, 2020

If you’re a comics enthusiast, you have probably seen the famous cover of Airboy by Dave Stevens that features Valkyrie. (Go ahead. Google it. I’ll wait.) During the Golden Age of comics, Valkyrie was to Airboy what Catwoman is to Batman. Valkyrie started out as a Nazi villain, but switched sides and became the on-again, off-again love interest of Airboy. Sometimes she helped him, other times, not so much. Sound familiar? She had limited appearances back in the day, but during the heyday of independent comics in the 80s and 90s, she was often brought back.

I’d had Valkyrie on my list for several years, but had yet to take real action. One day I was digging through fodder supplies, when I came across this particular cape piece. It’s from a Marvel legends Black Panther (the Shuri version). I was struck by how similar it was the Valkyrie’s cape. And then I was off to the races.

The base body is a DC Essentials Harley. I stole the shoes from a Mattel Wonder Girl, as they had the perfect shape to make the full boot. (Had to do some fancy cutting and drill a new hole to maintain the articulation.) The head is a Bombshells Ivy. The hair and all the details are sculpted. The buttons are cut from styrene rods.

The cape is usually depicted with the fur parts on her back, and the cord draped lazily across her chest. Yeah, the defies all kinds of physics. My version having the fur across the shoulders may not be entirely page-accurate, but it stays on, and that’s acceptable.

Created May 2020



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