Superman (Brave New Metropolis)
Posted on June 30, 2013


superman-brave-new-metropolis-01Once I’d made my STAS Superman figure, all my other Superman customs looked puny. So I applied the same recipe to update some. In this case, it’s Supes as he appeared in “Brave New Metropolis.”

The torso is a Hasbro Supes, with repositioned left arm and all those muscles smoothed over with Kneadatite. The legs are from racer X of the Speed Racer line. Some minor detailing was removed. The belt buckle was sculpted, and the boot tops cut from vinyl.

The head on this Supes was a new one for me. I cast a head off the Kraft Superman figure. This required demolishing the neck of the cast and rebuilding it, but the slightly more animated, tough look adds some variety in Supes’ life.

Jump to the downloads section to grab Superman’s S-emblem for your own custom!

Created Summer 2002


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