Once Supergirl showed up in her new outfit on Justice League, I knew she’d be on my short list of figures to make.
As a base I chose the new “generic” female body, as it’s appropriately short. (It’s inappropriately short for most of the ladies it’s been used for so far, but that’s another story.) The skirt was sculpted with Magic Sculpt, making sure the legs were positioned for balance, as they’d become locked in place.
The old Jack-in-the-Box Supergirl head once again stepped up to the plate, as it’s still the most accurate. I was about to remove the attached cape, when I was struck by how perfect it worked with the head and body when in place. So for the first time, I kept it. Of course, this means neck articulation went out the window, but such is the cost of a really good looking custom. I had to Dremel the inside of the cape to get a proper fit, but in worked in the end. I used Magic Sculpt to fill in the hole on the back, and to add cape details to Supergirl’s shoulders.
On the head itself, I filled in the headband and added the locks of hair along the sides and front. The lock on the left hand side is taken from an Aquaman figure, but the rest is Magic Sculpt.
The emblem was printed on laser paper and applied via decoupage.
I’m very happy with the final result.
Jump to the downloads section to grab Kara’s S-emblem for your own custom!
Created Spring 2006
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