Of all my early customs, Roxy was one of those that needed a re-do the most. I’m happy to say I now I have a Roxy custom that does not embarrass me!
Like my other recent new school gals, Roxy uses a Justice League Hawkgirl as a base. The head was removed, and Hawkgirl’s details sanded off or covered with Kneadatite. Roxy’s right arm is taken from a Hasbro/TRU Poison Ivy, then both arms have a layer of Kneadatite to shape the sleeves. The jacket itself is 100% Kneadatite, as are the boot tops. The belt and holster strap are vinyl, and the yellow circles are vinyl cut with a leather puncher.
Roxy’s head is a Jack-in-the-Box Supergirl head, with all the hair removed. Roxy’s tresses are that of Hawkgirl, with a few Kneadatite curls added.
The goggles… What a challenge these were. Originally, I sculpted the frame of the goggles with Kneadatite directly on her face, intending to “pop” them off, thus they’d be a removable piece. Unfortunately, half the scalp consists of Kneadatite, and the goggles bonded to the scalp and wouldn’t come off without destroying both. There went that idea. So, leaving the frames on, I finished painting and sealing the figure, then simply glued some colored gel (or acetate, for those of you non-theatricals) over the frame, then removed the excess with ye olde trusty X-acto. I say simply. The truth is this process took about seven tries before the gel decided to cooperate. I had a swatch book of lighting gels, and out of almost 150 colors, not one was an exact match as the goggles appear in the show. I originally used a lighter shade of blue, but ruined each piece until I was out of that shade. So this green will have to do. Once the gel proved it wasn’t going anywhere, I simply painted black on the exterior as the frame.
A fun little side note: When the goggles are over Roxy’s face, everything under them should be the same shade. I had painted the whites of her eyes, only to find this stood out when the goggles were on! So Roxy’s eyes are painted flesh color.
Ultimately, the figure works, and I’m really happy with her. But I recommend finding a better method for creating the goggles.
(Special thanks to Mom Racer for help obtaining parts!)
Created Fall 2003
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