For almost a year now, I’ve had the base figure for this project sitting around, awaiting its turn at new life. It’s a Yu Yu Hakusho Ghost Files Sakyo (try saying that ten times fast) that I found on clearance at the mighty Zeus in Dallas. Since I found it, others have used the same base to similar effect. Here’s my spin.
Ra’s body is the easiest part. I simply filled in the torso swivel joint (it was just weird looking) and leveled off the shoulder. I replaced the head with a DC Direct “Hush” Ra’s head.
The cape took more time, as I used the “wrap and shape” method. (See the image below.) This involved wrapping the figure in cellophane and sculpting the basic shape on top, in this case the mantle of the cloak. Once the cured mantle is removed, it can be smoothed to a more appropriate shape with tools and sandpaper. For this project, I sculpted the mantle and collar with Kneadatite. Once the mantle was shaped, I etched in a narrow “shelf” for the vinyl to adhere to. The seam was smoothed over with Magic Sculpt and Alumilite. The clasp is made from styrene rods, and the yellow stripes are simply strips of painted vinyl, glued on after the rest of the cloak was painted green.
I’m very pleased with this piece, as Ra’s is one of my favorite villains, and I always enjoyed his “classic” look.
Created Summer 2005
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