Ivy got henchgoons, Joker has his, Freeze got his maidens… Penguin wanted his crew represented. Thus I present Jay, Raven and Lark. These three are a lot of fun together, and really help fill out the new school ranks.
The base is a Talia figure, with most of the detailing removed. Jay and Lark’s legs were removed and reattached at the upper thigh, while Raven’s stance wasn’t changed so as to create some variety. Talia’s boots were reshaped into something more like the high heels our girls wear. The left arm was sliced just below the shoulder, though not completely removed. The “hinged” gap was filled with Kneadatite, thus straightening the arm a bit. The right hand was replaced with a Harley hand. Raven and Lark’s head was cast from the Jack in the Box Batgirl, while Jay’s is cast from the Jack in the Box Supergirl. New school Riddler’s hat adorns their Kneadatite covered heads.
Again, a fun bunch. And hench gals are always welcome.
Created Summer 2002
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