Killer Croc (Bombshell)
Posted on June 21, 2021

Now here’s a custom that I pondered for a long time. Good ol’ Waylon Jones appears in the Bombshells comic as part of the Suicide Squad, and Ant Lucia, primary designer of the Bombshells, even designed a cover with the Squad and Croc. So if you haven’t seen this design and are wondering what I’m talking about, rest assured it’s a legitimate Bombshells design.

Croc’s look changes depending on the artist, though he doesn’t appear often. I cherry-picked the details I liked, but mainly used Ant Lucia’s cover art as a primary source. I mulled over possible recipes for months before starting, and even then I started over at least three times. Ultimately, I like where I landed. What finally settled things was the arrival of the Marvel Legends Hulk “Joe Fixit” BAF. Once I learned he had sculpted suspenders under the coat, I was sold.

Croc’s torso, upper arms, pelvis, and legs are all Joe Fixit. I Dremeled off the tie and sculpted a new collar and undershirt, plus the rolled up sleeves. His head and feet are Mattel’s Killer Croc BAF, with a few sculpted details added to the noggin. The lower arms and hands are from the Marvel Legends comic-based Abomination BAF.

I’m not usually a fan of a tail in a Killer Croc design, but Ant Lucia drew him that way, so who am I to argue? His tail is from the very first 6″ Croc figure Mattel made. I’ve been holding on to that piece for 18 years. I knew it would eventually come in handy!

This one has become a favorite of mine because he’s big and bold, and unlike anything else on the shelf.

Created May 2021


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