James Gordon (TNBA)
Posted on June 30, 2013

commissioner-james-gordon-tnba-01After Scott Rogers, I’ll be the second one to praise Hasbro for finally making not only a Commissioner Gordon figure, but a civilian character at that! I only wish they hadn’t let the interns sculpt the body. I felt it was my duty to correct his sculpt.

First I dremeled off his donut-padded belly. I used Kneadatite to fill some Swiss cheese gaps and then sanded the belly smooth. I then cut the legs just below the crotch line and reattached them at a better angle with Kneadatite, sanding the seems until smooth. I also removed and reattached the arms at a better angle. Finally, he sports a tie made of vinyl. A good paint job (including eyes) and I have a Gordon that’s not in an eating contest with Homer Simpson.

Created Fall 2001


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