The Gotham Adventures run of comics has some great stories and characters in it. It’s really an undervalued resource. Issue 8 introduced a Timm-verse version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I’ve been wanting to make this guy for a very long time.
From time to time, this project would percolate to the top of mind. Most recently, I experienced an epiphany when I realized how reasonably close the Mattel Kalibak figure was to the Hunchback. Inspiration struck, and there was little to hold me back. Kalibak’s details were removed, and his legs extended. I swapped the gloved hands for copies of Mongul’s three-fingered fists. The head is an original sculpt.
The Violist made the great cloak. We went through several versions, searching for the right shape. Thank you for your patience, my love!
I’m really pleased with the result, especially after so long waiting to figure how to make it. It’s a real centerpiece. Now I need to make his Parisian Inspector partner.
Created July 2014
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Very nice. I’d wanted to make one of him myself ever since I read that issue of gotham adventures. (insert my applause here)
I’m glad I waited until I figured out how to make it properly. If I’d made this 15 years ago, it would have been junk.
I was just admiring (okay, studying) your figure, and it wasn’t until I really looked closely at the photos that i realized those groves and cracks in his “skin” are done with paint! i thought they were all etched in! woof!
Ha! Thank you! That is exactly the effect I wanted to achieve! Though in truth it was more due to laziness. Creating those cracks in 3-D would have been really tough to pull off.
Great custom ! But where did you find the playset ? It’s look awesome !
Thanks. The playset is from the Van Helsing movie line, made several years ago. Another fine purchase made on clearance!
Cool job! congrats!!
Thanks! Glad you like it.