As I’ve said before, I’m a huge fan of the “Hush” story, and I don’t mind admitting it. If DC Direct made every character that appeared in the story, I’d be a happy little camper. But since that’s not too likely, I’ll make up the slack.
Harvey here happened by chance more than anything. He only appears in a few panels, and is meant more as a red herring than anything else. When the Commissioner Gordon figure was released, I was struck with how easily he could be converted to Big Bad Harv. I made a casting of the JLA Aquaman head, as he had the strong jaw and eyebrows needed for post-surgery Harv. Once Aquaman’s flowing locks were Dremeled away, I had a decent bald headed Harvey.
Gordon’s hands were swapped with those of gun totin’ Hush. True, Harvey only used one gun in the story, but I like balance. Besides, Two-Face is still in there someplace…
The tie was repainted black. I suppose I could have painted the pants to help differentiate the base from Gordon, but this was meant to be an “easy” project. I’m pleased with the result.
Created Summer 2005
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