Santa Bullock! You have eluded me for almost 14 years. At last, you are on my shelf.
Geek Variety Customs’ Harvey Bullock sculpt is not only great as intended, but it makes a very useful base for other “well rounded” characters.
Most of the original sculpt’s details were Dremeled off, and a great deal of various epoxies were applied to create the Santa suit. Magic Sculpt was applied to Bullock’s head to form the hat and beard. A spare head was kept in reserve for his “unmasked” visage. Everything is held together with magnets.
Of course, I couldn’t have a Santa Bullock without an Elf Montoya, too.
I love Holiday Knights, and I am now that much closer to having all the characters as they appear in the episode in my collection.
Created March 2014
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“Shoot the Santa! SHoot the Santa!” A Great episode. The DCAU has spoiled me, I have little interest in most of the DC-based shows since.
I watch most of the new stuff, but it never measures up.