Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Posted on June 29, 2013


I don’t care to engage in the great “Hal” debate. What’s done is done and Mattel isn’t likely to change its mind. Suffice to say, I’m in the camp that was not pleased by Mattel’s actions.

By sheer luck, a casting of a legitimate Hal head appeared on my doorstep one day. I was thrilled! The next best thing to owning a “real” Hal was now possible. It took me awhile to work Hal into the project schedule, but I finally got him finished.

To state the obvious, I used a generic mid-sized body, just like Mattel did. I created the logo in Illustrator, printed on a laser printer, then applied via decoupage.

Before anyone starts asking, no, I do not have additional castings to spare. Furthermore, my anonymous source wishes to remain anonymous.

I’ve been getting a lot of requests for information on how to obtain a casting of a Mattel Hal head. Well here’s what I recommend. My pals Glassman, Spy Magician and Crushinaguy are currently making a limited number of excellent castings. Glassman’s is based on his custom sculpt (an excellent likeness of the Mattel version), while Spy and Crushinaguy are offering a well-rendered casting of an original Mattel head. All are gentlemen and customizers of the highest caliber. Drop them a line. They might be able to help.

Jump to the downloads section and grab Hal’s green lantern emblem for your own custom!

Created Fall 2008



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