Fortress of Solitude Zoo
Posted on July 6, 2013


I’ve been pondering how to make a Fortress of Solitude Zoo for many years. The problem is how to create the illusion of a vast space in a much smaller space. That’s no easy task.

After Quartermain created his amazing Krypto, I was on the look out for some Secret Saturdays Cryptids. When I found some, I started considering the zoo project again. For inspiration to the above stated problem, I looked to the great Kenner and Hasbro playsets of the 1980s. Those folks really knew how to represent a large space in a compact playset.

My solution was two shorted “pens,” each built on a forced angle to create a sense of depth. Each was built from illustration board, with transparency printer sheets as the “glass.” I populated the pens with the Secret Saturday Cryptids and a couple of alien-looking Ben 10 critters. Considering I don’t have a whole room to dedicate to a fortress zoo, I feel the results work fairly well.

Jump to the downloads section to grab all the art and notes necessary to build your own Fortress of Solitude zoo!

Created July 2010


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