We are deep into the second line of movie-based Ghostbusters figures, and poor Dana never gets produced as a “regular” version, only as Zuul. I thought that was unfair and decided to remedy it.
The inspiration for the construction came from the Janine figure. I realized that without the giant sweater, the sculpt wasn’t too far removed from Dana’s early appearances in the first movie. I only had to modify the neckline and add the lapels.
For her head, I used used NECA’s 1979 Ellen Ripley, as I thought it was the best Sigourney Weaver sculpt in the 7″ scale so far. But the hair… vexed me. I knew I did not have the talent to sculpt that riotous mass of curls, and my research was not revealing any obvious substitutes. Finally, phineas curmudgeon of Fwoosh came to rescue and donated some heavy-metal-rocker hair from old McFarlane lines to the cause. I blended the pieces until I had enough coverage and was satisfied with the result. It’s not perfect, but it will do in a pinch. Thanks, phineas!
I’d like to go back and add a soft goods coat later.
Created April 2018
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