Making a custom figure of one’s self always seemed a bit silly to me, unless there was a good reason. Well, here at Inanimate Objects, I have a darned good reason! That reason is the Violist, and the Violist figure needed some company. Thus Casimir is now immortalized in plastic.
The base is a TRU exclusive Ra’s al Ghul, with hands from the “hands” drawer. The head is a new school Riddler, with the neck significantly extended to fit the body, the hat replaced with a new cranium, and topped off with Kneadatite hair. Casimir’s ubiquitous Eisenhower jacket is detailed from Kneadatite and vinyl, and the glasses are vinyl cut with a leather puncher.
The final piece was a gift for the Violist. She was quite pleased, I daresay.
Created Winter 2004
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