Captain Marvel (Bombshell)
Posted on June 21, 2021

I love Back to the Future, and I’m really enjoying NECA’s line of figures. (Finally! I waited 35 years for these!) Given the wide range of historical fashions the Bombshells pull from, I felt adapting a 1955 Biff into a something closer to a varsity jacket would be a good fit. And given how large Biff is, the best choice was always going to be Billy Batson’s alter ego, Captain Marvel!

I didn’t have to do much to Biff. I Dremeled off some of the jacket details. I then used ProCreate to shape the lightning bolt.

The head was proving to be a problem. Biff is so large that most 7″-scale heads were too small, much less 6″-scale heads. That’s when Riboblito stepped in to save the day! The man gets some amazing results from 3D printing! He suggested we might find a 3D sculpt of the big red cheese, and pull a noggin from that. Riboblito found this sculpt by Vedran Marjanović, and it matched the style I was hoping for: heroic, but sort of dorky, too. Riboblito extracted the head and sized it based on the measurements of Biff’s head, then printed me a copy. All I had to do was construct a neck joint and paint it. Thanks Riboblito!

In the end, Captain Marvel towers over his Bombshell brethren. Was Biff too big to use? Maybe a little. But the costume design was too perfect to pass up.

Created May 2021


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