Big Barda (Bombshell)
Posted on June 5, 2020

When the Maven Collectibles “blank” figures were announced, I was fairly excited. They offered a 7″ and a 6″ option. I was all in! But when I received some, I was mildly disappointed to find that, yes, the figures really were 7″ and 6″ tall. Which means each lady would be 6 feet tall in both 1/12 (6″) scale and 1/10 (7″) scale. That makes most of them too tall to match existing lines, as few ladies are so vertically gifted. I’ve used several of the 6″ versions now as passable 1/10 customs. But I had one 7″ gal. What to do with her? What character is often depicted as slightly oversized in terms of height? The only choice was Big Barda.

For most of my Bombshells creations, I try to stick as close as possible to Ant Lucia’s original designs, as the whole aesthetic of the Bombshells is his. Big Barda was one of the last designs he developed. His version of Barda was a rough-and-tough roller derby gal. It’s appropriate and wonderful! However, there was already a Big Barda Bombshell design floating around that had gained traction, and it’s the one I chose to make.

As I understand it, a talented cosplayer going by the handle Golden Lasso Cosplay designed her own take on a Big Barda Bombshell. (This was well before Ant Lucia’s design was released.) Representatives from DC saw her work, and they liked it so much they paid her for the use of the design. How often does that happen?! And thus a slightly-modified version of GLC’s Barda appeared in the Bombshells comics. (The comics added a skirt.) As much as I like Ant Lucia’s roller derby version, I felt the semi-militaristic look was more Barda’s style. (Not to say she wouldn’t kick butt on the roller rink.) So thanks to Golden Lasso Cosplay for the inspiration!

As for my custom figure, she’s built from a Maven Collectibles 7″ “athletic” gal. I had supported the Kickstarter, and thus received several optional heads and hands. I was pleased I had an opportunity to use the smirking head! The lower part of her hair was cut from an older Diamond Select Marvel Girl. The hat (finally, someone big enough to fit!) was from my fodder supplies. The rest is Magic Sculpt, styrene rods for the buttons, and patience.

I’ve really grown to enjoy using the Maven gals. They aren’t perfect, and if Maven ever wants to make a version 2.0 I have some suggestions. But the current ones have some solid uses. Thanks, Maven!

Created May 2020


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