Several months ago I decided my studio was in need of some redecorating. This primarily involved the removal of several figures and shelves, as the sheer number of figures became overwhelming. (They’ve since been properly archived.) Of course, their removal left a large space on the walls. What I really wanted to fill that space was some large Timm-based art. Sadly, such things are rare, and even more so at poster-size or larger. So, as with custom figures, if I couldn’t buy what I wanted, I’d make it myself.
For my first project, I chose Harley and Batgirl, as portrayed by the talented Craig Rousseau. I’d seen some oversized giclees of his work, but I knew that even if I found some, the cost would be prohibitive. So I traced one my favorite pieces of his on to a 3′ x 4′ chunk of masonite. I hadn’t painted anything like this since I’d been involved with theatres ages ago, especially something so large, so the task was a bit daunting at first. Ultimately, it was great fun, and the end result acts as a great centerpiece in my studio.
I can’t wait to start the next painting project!
Jump to the downloads section to grab a printable copy in a variety of sizes.
Created Fall 2009
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