First, thanks go out to StrangeMark of Custom City. He was the first I know of to suggest using the Kabuki figure as a base for a modern Cassandra Cain Batgirl in the 6″ scale.
And a great idea it was, StrangeMark! Kabuki is right in scale with the Mattel and DCD offerings (aside from the fact the DCD scales are all over the place). Her body and legs had only a small amount of detail to remove, the belt works fine as is, and the head is dead-on for Cassandra’s unmasked noggin. The Kabuki figure I purchased had big, poofy sleeves. (There may be other variants.) The arms were useless, so I swapped them with arms from the parts box. The masked head also came from the parts box, with Bat-ears and glove scallops added from a useless Mattel Bat-variant. Batgirl’s cape was once a movie Batman’s. I have no idea which figure from which movie, but the cape was permanently attached to Batman’s head. The head was cut off, but now the cape had no shoulder portion. So I simply sculpted new shoulder parts with Kneadatite. I covered Kabuki’s shoulders with Saran wrap and sculpted on top, subtractively shaping afterwards with the Dremel once the Kneadatite had dried.
I’m very pleased with how Cassandra turned out. She’ll do until DCD or Mattel make one.
Jump to the downloads section to grab Batgirl’s emblem for your own custom!
Created Spring 2004
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