I love the idea of the Villain Memorials in the Batcave! Why, I don’t know. Funny that way, I guess. These latest versions are updated to reflect the most recent custom efforts. See below for downloads and construction guidelines.
The Villain cases are actually plastic banks available at “the Container Store.” Each of these banks has been turned upside down, and the former white top has been painted black. Clear acetate (in this case, clear presentation covers from an office supply store) was used to “hang” the costumes. Each case was measured from the inside, then the appropriately sized piece of acetate was cut. In all cases, an eighth of an inch was allowed at the top, to be scored, folded and ultimately glued to the top of the interior of each case. A “tab” was also left at the bottom of the acetate, to fit into what used to be the coin slot of the bank “top.”
Each character’s costume was printed and cut with an X-acto blade. Spray adhesive was applied to the back, then the cut out was applied to the already cut acetate. Having already scored and folded the top 1/8″, standard model glue was applied to the top of the acetate. (DO NOT use Super Glue! It creates a chemical reaction that will “cloud” your acetate.) Using a pen or similar narrow instrument, firmly apply the glue-bearing top of the acetate to the top of the case. (This is easiest when all the parts in question are upside-down.)
Jump to the downloads section to grab the necessary art to make your own Batcave Villain memorials!
Created Summer 2004
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