Batcave (Mattel)
Posted on July 5, 2013

I love playsets! I always have. Sadly, the glory days of playsets has long since passed. I had hoped the new Mattel Batcave for “the Batman” might break the dry spell. Alas, that was not to be.

The shortcomings of the playset in question have been well documented elsewhere. Despite those drawbacks, I thought I could get at least a small something positive out of it. To that end, I used only the “mid-level” portion, masking off the floor and computer/elevator. I then applied my usual Batcave colors of black, navy and sky blue spray paint. I covered the yellow interior of the elevator with some cardboard painted black, and plugged the top of the elevator with the same. Finally, my recent Robin memorial fit inside the elevator space just perfect.

Overall, there are lots of pieces left. I might apply them in other ways someday. I’m satisfied having “saved” at least a portion of this playset. Maybe one day I’ll plug the holes in the floor, too.

Created Fall 2004


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