Batcave (Hasbro)
Posted on July 5, 2013

batcave-hasbro-02Hasbro had plenty of chances to get this one right. I suppose they never did an awful job, but they never really did the playset justice with their wacky paintjobs.

I chose to repaint the “cave” side to match the blues and blacks of my previous cave pieces. Perhaps one day I’ll repaint the “manor” side, but that’s another project altogether.

The wonderful computer monitors are courtesy of Mark Myers. Check out some of his work at Myers’ Farms.

Thanks Mark!

Created Spring 2001



  • Dimtirk says:

    So awesome the bat cave looks great I also have this set an I think it’s weird that the colors are off my cave colors were yellow! After rewatching a few episodes though I noticed that Bruce’s mansion isnt grey it’s brown

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