My Atom Eve custom came about as I was reading Invincible one night and I was struck by how much Eve’s hair matched that of the Witchblade figure. Thus inspiration struck!
The general assembly was relatively easy, as there wasn’t any real sculpting needed to speak of. The body is Justice Lord Wonder Woman, with a Witchblade head. The tiny cape is cut vinyl. The emblem was created in Illustrator and applied via decoupage.
Though it may not be apparent in the photos, Eve’s outfit does sport the required two tones of pink. Sometimes the two are hard to see, just like in the book! Speaking of, if you haven’t read Invincible, I highly recommend it. A superhero book for fans of the genre, by fans of the genre.
Visit the downloads section to grab an Atom Eve emblem for use with your own custom!
Created Spring 2006
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