Glassman is one of my favorite JLU customizers. He honed his craft on Star Wars customs, then added to JLU to his mighty repertoire. He’s a heck of a talent, and a gentlemen to boot! On occasion, he makes casts of his original sculpts and makes a limited amount available to other customizers. When he sculpted and cast his Amanda Waller, I jumped at the chance.
What you see here is Glassman’s Amanda Waller sculpt. I only added the necklace and her turquoise ring on her right hand. You can visit his site for some great WIP photos.
So a hearty thanks go out to Glassman! Now one of the most interesting characters of the JLU universe is on my shelf, thanks to your efforts.
Created Summer 2008
2011 Update! Now that we have Mattel’s version, I wanted to repaint Glassman’s Waller in the beige suit to add some variety to the shelf. Mattel’s is nice, and I’m happy to have it, but I think I prefer Glassman’s.
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