Mr. Freeze’s Ice Maidens
Posted on July 3, 2013

mr-freeze-ice-maiden-03I’ve seen a number of Ice Maidens made before, but none ever looked quite right to me. I wanted to make every effort to get all the details right on my set.

The base figure is a Hasbro Supergirl. As I have done numerous times before, I removed her legs and reattached them in reversed positions. Supergirl’s skirt was sanded down to the proper shape, while Kneadatite filled in parts of her torso and squared out the shoulders. Most of this was covered in a coat of Alumilite to give it a nice, smooth texture. The coat trim is Kneadatite.

I sculpted the boots over Supergirl’s. As I was looking at making 3 of these gals I opted to mold and cast the boots. This worked surprisingly well. The castings replaced Supergirl’s boots with ease.

Given the success of the boots, I did the same with the head. I started with a casting of the Jack in the Box Batgirl head, then sculpted the hood and eye glasses. I molded this sculpted head, and cast it several times. Ultimately, this saved me a lot of repetitive sculpting.

Despite all the casting, the Ice Maidens are relatively simple. I made sure to paint them the correct shade of not-quite-purple-blue, as seen in their episode appearance. The final result looks great on the shelf.

Created Summer 2002


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