Alfred Pennyworth (1992 Coat)
Posted on September 30, 2024

I was as pleased as the next Bat-fan to learn that Todd would be releasing a Michael Gough as Alfred figure. I was equally dismayed at what a lazy repaint it was. Todd slapped a new head on a suit that Mr. Gough never wore as Alfred. Imagine if Todd had repainted a comic book Hush Batman all black and declared that to be a Keaton Batman. We’d all be up in arms. That’s exactly what he’s done with Alfred, and I don’t understand why more people are not upset over this.

(The one solid part of this release is the head sculpt. But even that is ruined by the “I’ve been dead 6 weeks” paint job. Thanks Todd.)

I’ll eventually make proper versions of Gough’s Alfred. In the meantime, the only way I can tolerate this colossal misfire is by covering it with a coat. (Found on eBay.) Even that’s not screen accurate, but it’s all I have to work with. I grabbed a 3D file of the bowler hat from Thingiverse and printed it.

At leatst now I can look at the figure without a sense of complete rage.

Created 2024


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